Questions about the Midterm?

Post any and all questions you have remaining about Thursday's midterm here by Monday morning and I will respond with answers by Tuesday evening. 

Good luck studying!  You've got this!



  1. My main concern is from the theme "invention of radio and early uses" in regards to military radio more specifically. I know we discussed this briefly in class but what else should we know about this concept besides the fact that radio was off limits for the general public during war? I don't see much about this topic on the slides. Thanks!

    1. It's most important just to know that this was one of the early uses of Wireless and that it could have been reserved for military use completely. Wireless Equipment was first used primarily for military and commercial shipping. After creating the company British Marconi, Guglielmo Marconi kept half the stock, and ended up selling the invention of wireless radio transmission to the American Navy. Even though an early Radio law from 1912 said transmission required a government license, amateur users sprung up everywhere. The US Navy wanted radio technology to be in the hands of an American company rather than an arm of a British company. General Electric purchased controlling interest in American Marconi and then bought the whole company. In, 1919 Radio Corporation of America was formed as a GE subdivision and RCA owned nearly all the patents in the field. Only US citizens could be directors or officers.


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